A community approach
Our approach to prevention and advocacy combines campus-wide education and training on how to recognize dangerous situations and intervene, with a network of support and resources for those who are experiencing, have experienced or knows someone who has experienced sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence and stalking. These efforts are coordinated through a program called SafetyNet which is through the Office of Sexual Violence Prevention and Advocacy and by the Director of Sexual Violence Prevention and Advocacy, including the support of the administration and a team of confidential campus advocates.
Prevention and bystander intervention education is integrated into the campus culture at Conn. Through the Office of Sexual Violence Prevention and Advocacy, there are peer educators who assist with education programming, through our SafetyNet affinity group. The group gathers together and in task forces (Title IX and Public Policy, Education, Green Dot, One Love, Survivor Support, and Outreach) to help prevent sexual violence within these areas to create broader change in our community. New students are taught about the College's policies, resources, and are introduced to consent and bystander intervention during orientation.
Support and assistance for survivors
Connecticut College offers confidential support services to students who have experienced sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence and stalking, including:
- Judicial, housing and academic advocacy
- Access to appropriate services (medical, counseling and legal)
- Comprehensive information about reporting procedures, both on and off campus
- Help securing on-campus no-contact directives
Director of Sexual Violence Prevention and Advocacy
The director of sexual violence prevention and advocacy is a trained sexual assault, domestic/dating violence and stalking advocate and is readily available to assist students who have been sexually assaulted or who have experienced stalking or relationship violence. The director also serves as a resource for friends of those who experienced harm/violence and for faculty and staff who support students.
During business hours, the director, Nicole Powell, can be contacted at spowell2@conncoll.edu.
Get help
The Office of Sexual Violence Prevention and Advocacy maintains relationships with campus and community partners to provide crisis response for those seeking immediate support and additional confidential services.
On-campus confidential assistance include:
SVPA Confidential Advocates can be reached by email at svpa@conncoll.edu or appointment. They are:

Nicole Powell
Director of Sexual Violence Prevention and Advocacy
Chris Campbell
Director of Race and Ethnicity Programs

Pastor Stephanie Haskins
Director of Religious and Spiritual Programs
Justin Mendillo
Director of Gender Sexuality and Gender Programs
Student Counseling Services
Community Resources:
Safe Futures 24/7 Hotline: 860-701-6001
Sexual Assault Crisis Center of Eastern Connecticut 24/7 Hotline: 860-456-2789
New London Police: 911