Lindsay Crawford
Associate Professor of Philosophy
Joined Connecticut College: 2015
Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley
History of philosophy
Lindsay Crawford works primarily in epistemology and ethics, and on issues at their intersection. Most of her recent work focuses on questions concerning what we ought to believe. Some of her recent publications focus, in particular, on the question of whether our personal relationships can play a role in determining what we ought to believe. Do our relationships give us reason to believe well of our friends, family members, and romantic partners? To believe what they tell us? To think that they’ll succeed?
She is also working on papers on epistemic injustice. Some questions here include: Can our beliefs wrong others? Can failing to believe what a person tells us wrong that person? If so, how should we conceive of the nature of that particular wrong? She has additional research interests in issues at the intersection of epistemology and the philosophy of mind (particularly on the nature of suspended judgment) and issues at the intersection of epistemology and the philosophy of language.
Her teaching interests are wide-ranging, but are concentrated primarily in ethics, bioethics, epistemology, and the history of philosophy. Her recent courses at Connecticut College include: Matters of Life and Death (FYS 108(W)); Introduction to Philosophy (PHI 101); History of Modern Philosophy (PHI 202); Bioethics (PHI 229); Theory of Knowledge (PHI 261); The Ethics and Epistemology of Stereotypes (PHI 265); Hume (PHI 330I); The Ethics of Belief (PHI 402).
Her personal website can be found at:
Contact Lindsay Crawford
Mailing Address
Lindsay Crawford
Connecticut College
Box # PHILOSOPHY/Blaustein Humanities Center
270 Mohegan Ave.
New London, CT 06320
Blaustein Humanities 302