Facilities Management and Campus Planning New Project Request Process 

Facilities management and campus planning is dedicated to streamlining project requests on campus. Projects are typically individually funded and involve longer planning whereas maintenance is typically funded by the annual budget. For routine maintenance, such as repairs, requests please submit a work order through CamelWeb. For larger requests that will be considered a project please complete the Facilities Management New Project Request Form. Requests will be reviewed by the facilities management and campus planning team. Once approved, the committee will bring it to the Facilities Land Management Committee for review. After the project has been approved the requestor will be contacted. Please allow 4 weeks for a response.

Creating a project team

A project team will be created once a project has completed the concept design phase. The team will have a key focus on sustainability and ADA.
Each project will contain the core team:
  • Executive Director, Facilities Management and Campus Planning
  • Associate Director, Projects and Planning
  • Vice President of Finance and Administration
  • Vice President or delegate representing the project mission
  • Internal and/or external
Project team:
  • One to two students appointed from SGA
  • One to two faculty representatives appointed by FSCC
  • One to two staff representatives appointed by staff council
Per the sustainability building policy, when a project is over $1M: 
  • At least one student representative selected by SGA in coordination with the Office of Sustainability 
  • Facilities (one primarily representing sustainability initiatives and/or one representing student body at large) 
If the project includes new landscape designs or renovations:
  • The Arboretum Director or an Arboretum representative will be included in the core team for aspects of the project that involve the landscape and/or compliance to the Sustainable Sites Initiative.
For any inquiries please contact facilitiesprojects@conncoll.edu