Psychology Department Colloquium Series

Visiting speakers share their interests in Psychology with students and faculty. These 1-hour presentations take place on Mondays during the semester, at 4:30 p.m. in Bill 106. Please see the Online Calendar of Events for specific topics and dates.

Brains Rock logo for neuroscience fair at Connecticut College Kids Judge! Neuroscience Fair

This is an annual fall semester event sponsored by Professor Schroeder's behavioral neuroscience class. Students in the class design brain-related activities for area elementary school students, including crafts, games and "brain related" demonstrations and the kids judge the projects.

Brain Awareness Week

One week in March is designated by the Society for Neuroscience and the Dana Foundation as Brain Awareness Week, an international effort to increase the public's knowledge and appreciation for the brain. Our activities include presentations at area schools, including North Stonington Elementary School and Bennie Dover Jackson Middle School.

See for more information.


We participate in the NorthEast Undergraduate Research Organization for Neuroscience (NEURON) meetings held each spring at Hunter College in NYC.

We also attend the annual meeting for the Society for Neuroscience. See for more information.