The world needs leaders who are intellectually courageous, inventive, resourceful and resilient to address the new and complex problems of our time.
At Conn, we’ve created a true academic journey, one that encompasses all four years of your life on campus.
Instead of providing a checklist of course requirements, though, our comprehensive four-year approach, , integrates everything you do as a student here—your classes, your major, your study abroad, your internship—into habits of mind you can draw on for the rest of your life.
Conn’s 31 academic departments, 11 programs and five centers are the cornerstone of intellectual study at Conn. Our award-winning faculty are teachers, practitioners and researchers who regularly collaborate with students inside and outside the classroom.
Connecticut College is home to six centers and certificate programs for interdisciplinary scholarship, each with a different focus: international studies, the environment, arts and technology, public policy and community action, museum studies and the study of race and ethnicity.
The things you are passionate about defy narrow boundaries. Conn’s certificate programs allow you to combine any major with a specialized course of study in an interdisciplinary field.
World-changing social movements and social innovation often start at the community level. Conn offers you a multitude of ways to get close to the day-to-day challenges, the aspirations, and the nuances of communities—whether that community is in our hometown, the seaport city of New London, or across the globe. These firsthand experiences are designed to open up your mind and your heart, and help you think about the kinds of problems you’d like to help solve.
In the summer before your senior year, you’ll take everything you’ve learned and put it to work in an internship—and because Conn guarantees $3,000 in funding for every qualifying internship, you can afford to choose one that fully reflects your newly broadened sense of possibility.
The Academic Resource Center (ARC) is for the entire College community and provides academic support services for all students so that they may reach their maximum academic potential. Although the primary goal is to assist students in becoming more efficient and effective learners, the ARC is available to all who wish to improve their academic skills and ability to learn.
We’ve designed an advising program to make sure you always get the right kind of help from the right kind of people. You don’t just get one adviser: we give you a team, and they’ll start working with you as soon as you arrive on campus.
Connecticut College students are full-time members of an intense residential academic community. The deans ensure that the experience of living in a residential academic community always retains an essential intellectual character, even when students are not learning formally in the classroom.
Around the world, history is being made at the grassroots. World-changing social innovations and social movements—and the people who lead them—emerge from the community level. That’s why Conn offers you a multitude of ways to get close to the day-to-day challenges, the aspirations, and the nuances of communities around the world.
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