Norah Deming '22 traveled to Paris and was able to continue her research with Soul Food, the organization she worked with during the summer. This organization introduces migrant youth in Paris to cultural events and artistic environments in order to provide intellectual and cultural stimulation to help with integration and assimilation. Norah was also able to conduct confidential interviews with minor migrants. Her SIP was titled, "Deterrence and Inhospitality Faced by Unaccompanied Minor Migrants in France."

Tihut Getabicha '22 traveled to Ethiopia over the spring break to continue her research for her SIP titled, “Comparative Study on Transfer Pricing Strategies in the UAE."

Katie Liell '22 went to Paris to conduct additional interviews for her SIP titled, "The Modern Far Right Within France and the United States." She traveled to different regions in France in the month of March before the French presidential elections, where far-right politicians were polling second and third. She was able observe the political climate and rhetoric in different areas and collect more data to enhance her SIP.

Sohan Mewada '22 went to Italy over the winter break and was able to access first-hand documents from the period of 1960-1980 in Italian history at the archives at Fondazione Gramsci Emilia Romagna in Bologna. These documents gave him important historical background for his SIP titled, "When Conversations Fail: The Devolution of Civil Discourse into Extremist Violence."