Learn about and participate in the agricultural process from seed to harvest; the journey of food from the farm to the plate; and the cultural importance of food and drink.

Despite the centrality of food in our lives, never before have there been fewer farmers, higher rates of diet-related illnesses, and greater inequalities when it comes to food access. At the same time, there is growing interest in sustainable food production and culture in response to the current system.

The Food Pathway provides a hands-on experience in which students learn about and participate in the agricultural process from seed to harvest; the journey of food from the farm to the plate; and from policy creation to implementation. The culture of the table and the art of cooking will be explored along with the biology of eating and the chemistry of cooking.

Students in the Food Pathway will examine how existing and historical food systems function in relation to the surrounding environmental and cultural landscapes. Through experiential, community-based learning, students will define and assess the responsible use of resources such as land, water, soil, and inputs to ensure sustainable food production and provisioning. They will investigate the drivers of inequality in food systems and chart paths towards a more just and sustainable food system at the local, regional, and national levels, recognizing the interconnections between local food production, policy, access, and health. Further, they will explore cuisine and food culture at the intersection of disciplines such as chemistry, literature, psychology, and language. Graduates of the Food Pathway will have the tools and insights necessary to become change-makers in our food system, whether it be in production, policy, entrepreneurship, education, or community engagement.