Thanksgiving break is probably one of the most anticipated breaks of the academic year. While everyone's break is different, I'm sure we can all agree that it is still too short.
Before my train even pulled in to the station on my ride home, I had received more than 5 different text messages from friends asking me when I'd be arriving and when I’d be around for a meal or to catch up. These texts served as a pleasant reminder that I was "officially" home... and that my presence was missed. After squeezing in as many catch-up sessions as possible, Turkey-Day awaited. There is no better smell than that of dinner in the early afternoon.
On Thanksgiving, a blissful sleep ensues after dinner. No one in my house wakes up early to go to a hectic shopping center, instead we all sleep for as long as we wish. The sleep is fueled by satisfaction, drawn equally from the previous meal and from the friends I've reconnected with. Uninterrupted and stress-free is the best way to sleep.